Channel: Hijabi Life
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Follow Friday: Imane Asry (Fashion With Faith)

Fashion With Faith

Imane Asry’s unique Swedish take on hijab is refreshing.

Salaams my lovelies! Jumah mubarak to you all! This is the last Friday of Ramadan this year which always makes me a little sad since there are countless blessings on days like today but they are gone before you know it. Let’s make this Friday count inshallah! As you know, I typically do a Follow Friday post on my favorite Instagram accounts. Today, I would like to introduce you to Sweden’s Iman Asry, aka Fashion With Faith (@fashionwithfaith). Why do I love Imane so much? She is definitely not a hijabi who takes herself too seriously. She posts amazing photos of her funky style, yet she also posts real life pictures of her time with friends and family. Did I mention she has a wicked sense of humor too? Her silly faces pictures are just as interesting to me as her “high fashion” pictures on her account. She makes being a stylish hijabi that much more accessible to regular hijabis like me. That is not to say she isn’t stunning. I mean look at her pictures! She has a fresh faced beauty that is refreshing to look at.  It is hard to find someone who does not resemble any one else in the hijabi vlogger world, but Imane is able to stand out with her mix of vintage with high fashion pieces.

She also makes me realize I have a wealth of stylish options in my closet already. With her styling, you can certainly come up with outfit combinations that you may have forgotten about. Her recent pictures reminded me I can reuse my Doc Martens from the 1990s with stripes versus the flowers I had paired it with in the past. Who says you can’t bring back fads?

Make sure to check her out on Instagram @fashionwithfaith and let me know what you think!

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