Salaams my lovelies! Jumah mubarak to you all. As you know, on Fridays, I typically do a Follow Friday post on a specific hijabi that I feel provides not only fashion inspiration, but also inspiration for other qualities such as spirituality, entrepreneurship, etc. I wanted to highlight the Asadullah sisters’ company Cover33 whose name is inspired by Surah 33 (Al Ahzab) verse 59 which is the verse where women are encouraged to cover themselves and be modest. The Instagram handle @cover33 features the Asadullah sisters from Texas wearing scarves from their line and is always a pleasure to look at since not only do they dress modestly, but they combine colorful elements and provide loads of hijab fashion inspiration.
The main reason that these sisters’ online hijab store is part of my Follow Friday picks is not just because Maryam Asadullah and Jaserah Asadullah are beautiful, but I am personally inspired by their ability to see a need for women to buy hijabs online and turn it into a business that is not only growing, but thriving. I personally can’t wait to shop their site and let you know how my own customer experience goes! I am also inspired by their collaboration as sisters. Family bonds are important and I love how the Asadullah sisters are working together to lift each other up just like my other favorite hijabi sister duo Heba and Farah Jalloul. They serve as examples that sisters need to support and love one another instead of tearing each other down by being competitive.
Make sure to follow @cover33 @mfasadullah and @jaserah for more hijab fashion inspiration! Maryam also has a lovely blog called Sincerely Maryam that you can read too! Check it all out and make sure to let me know what you think!